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Online sign-up

Have new members sign up for your association using your website!

Updated over 6 months ago

Using 'Online sign-up,' visitors can sign up to become new members of your association on your website. The personal information of the new member will automatically be added to your member administration in Congressus Manager.

You can shape the Online sign-up process at will to adapt to the needs of your association.

Online sign-up settings

The Online sign-up page works differently from other pages on your website. Instead of tweaking it from the Webpages menu, all settings for that page can be found in 'Settings > Online sign-up'

The settings are subdivided per tab, we will go through each tab in the following section.


Membership confirmation required

If you enable this option, the prospective member needs to tick a box at the bottom of the sign-up form in order to confirm their membership.

Privacy policy required

Tick this box of you want to require prospective members to agree with the privacy policy of your association. This option will only be shown if your association has uploaded a privacy policy. In this article you can read more about privacy and privacy policy.


If there is a contribution product associated with the selected member status (See chapter 'Contribution and online sign-up'), use this drop-down to select how this product is incorporated into the sign-up process.

You can choose between the following:

  • Not shown

    If you select this option the contribution amount will not be shown during the online sign-up

  • Show contribution (when set for member status)

    If you select this option, the sign-up form shows the contribution fee but does not create an invoice or require payment.

  • Show contribution and create sale for contribution

    If you select this option, the sign-up form shows the contribution fee and creates an invoice for the payment of this contribution fee to be paid later.

  • Show contribution, create sale for contribution and require payment (iDeal)

    If you select this option, the sign-up form shows the contribution fee and leads the prospective member to an iDeal payment window which has to be paid in order to finish signing up.

URL to terms & conditions

Here you can add a URL link to a page on your website or an external site to show your association's terms & conditions. If you add a URL the prospective member needs to agree with these terms & conditions in order to finish the sign-up process.

Do not forget to save your new settings by clicking on the save button!

Member status and contribution

This tab shows the Member statuses that are available for a prospective member in the Online sign-up form. We recommend using an 'Aspiring member' member status for sign-ups so you can vet them before giving them access to the website proper.

You can also add multiple member statuses to Online sign-up to allow prospective members to choose which membership type fits them best.

Adding a member status to the Online sign-up form

Click on the 'Add member status' at the top of the screen. You can choose from existing member statuses that were added through 'settings > member statuses'. The contribution amount, the contribution term and whether the contribution should be paid proportionally and more, can all be set at the member status settings. In this article you can read more about these settings.

You can remove a member status from the Online sign-up process by clicking on the red bin icon. The member status will continue to exist in your member administration but is no longer available to be chosen for the Online sign-up process.

Accompanying texts

Accompanying texts are texts that are shown with the module.

Introduction text

This is the text shown at the top of the form, or above the different member statuses if multiple are available to choose from.

SEPA direct debit introduction

Here you can explain why and for which reasons you need a SEPA direct debit mandate. In the case that you are not using direct debit you also do not need to fill in this text.

This accompanying text is only relevant when you are asking your members to download and sign a SEPA direct debit mandate. This text will not be shown when your organisation uses an online mandate (through the use of a checkbox) or does not use any mandates.

Confirmation email

This is the email that will be sent out once a member has finished the online sign-up process. There are a number of different useful tags available to be used here in order to personalise your communication. Additionally, use the tag {{ ACTIVATION_LINK }} in order to have new members access your members' environment right after signing up for your association.
​Final text

This will be the text that is shown once the form has been successfully submitted. Let your prospective member know what the next steps are or thank them here.


The Events tab allows you to add optional events for your prospective members to sign up for during the online sign-up process. Potential costs associated with the event, such as tickets, will automatically be added to the prospective member's invoice. Potential use cases are introductory events you would like the new member to sign up for.


The Products tab allows you to select Products to offer your prospective members for sale. New members can then buy and pay for these products during the online sign-up process. Use this to sell merchandise or useful items.

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