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Lists in your member administration

This article will explain how you can create a list of specific members

Updated over a week ago

Lists are a powerful addition to the already existing filters. A list contains one or more members. You can easily manage a list, add or remove members and performs actions on the members in the list. This article will explain how you can create a list.

Have you already created a list? This article will explain how you use a list in your member administration.

ATTENTION: A list disappears automatically after 2 hours! Do you want to reuse a list? Create a new group on the basis of the list. A group remains available for further use.

Filters versus List

First some background information about the difference between a filter and a list.

With a filter you select members from your administration on the basis of a couple of criteria. When the information in you member administration changes, it can happen that certain members no longer fall within this criteria or new members were added.

A list is a set list of specific members. The makeup of the list does not change when you don't add or remove members yourself. This allows for extra possibilities compared to filters.

Creating a list

You can create lists from your member administration. When you do not have an active list, you only see the button 'create list'.

Managing lists

Do you already have an active list? Then you can add your selected members to the list or create a new list with your current selection. You can also remove the selected members from your current list.

Adding or removing members from a list in their profile

You can add or remove a member from a list from their profile in the Manager. These buttons are only available if there is an active list available.


Example 1 - All members that have not yet signed up for an upcoming event

In this example we will first create a list of all current active members. Then we will remove all members that have signed up for the event from the list. The end result will be a list of all members that have not yet signed up.

  1. Create a temporary filter with all current members

  2. Click on 'Create list', (Only if you do not have an active member list, otherwise choose 'Create new list with filtered members')

  3. Create a temporary filter with all members of the event

  4. Click on the arrow on the right of the light-blue button "Members: <xx> members'

  5. Chose for the option 'Remove filtered members from the list'

You have now created a list of all current members who have not signed up for the event. From here you can for example send them an email with a reminder to signup.

Example 2 - All members that are 18 or 24 years old

In this example we create a filter of one age add it to the list and create another filter with the other age and add it to the same list. We end up with a list containing both ages.

  1. Create a temporary filter with all members of the age range of 18 till 18 (Set the limit for the lower and upper range)

  2. Click on 'Create list' (Only if you do not have an active member list, otherwise choose 'Create new list with filtered members').

  3. Create a new temporary filter with all members of the age range of 24 till 24 (Set the limit for the lower and upper range)

  4. Click on the arrow on the right of the light-blue button 'Members: <xx> members'

  5. Chose for the option ' Add filtered members to list'

You have have a list with the all members that have the age 18 and 24 years old.

Example 3 - All members that have yet to pay their membership fees of 2018 and 2019

This example is a little bit more complex. We first filter all members that not paid 2018 and/or 2019. We will add these members to a new list. We will then remove all members that have paid 2018 and remove all members who have paid 2019.

  1. Create a temporary filter. Select the contribution product of 2018 and 2019, and select the payment status 'unpaid'

  2. Click on 'Create list' (Only if you do not have an active member list, otherwise choose 'Create new list with filtered members').

  3. Create a new temporary filter with the members that have paid the contribution of 2018 (payment status: 'paid')

  4. Click on the arrow on the right of the light-blue button 'Members: <xx> members'

  5. Choose for 'Remove filtered members from list'

  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the contribution of 2019

This list now contains all members that have not yet paid their contribution fees of the year 2018 and 2019. Time for action ;)

Example 4 - Members that become the member status 'former member' on January 1st

This example assumes that you have members who will become a former member on January 1st.

  1. Create a temporary filter. Select the member status of everyone who is a former member. Next set the reference date for the member status the date '01-01-2022'. You now have filtered on all members who will be a former member on January first.

  2. Click on 'Create list' (Only if you do not have an active member list, otherwise choose 'Create new list with filtered members').

  3. Create a new temporary filter. Select the member status of everyone that is a former member. Set the reference dat to 31-12-2022. You have now filtered all members who are marked as a former member in your administration before January 1st

  4. Click on the arrow on the right of the light-blue button 'Members: <xx> members'

  5. Choose the option ' Remove filtered members from list.

You now have a list of all members who will become a former member on January 1st.

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